Saturday, November 24, 2012

Growing Up To Love Yourself

Growing up is hard sometimes. Things change. Who was once your friend no longer is, responsibilities arise and Life becomes different. But, this change can be beautiful. I have always been pretty mature from the time I was about twelve until now.Things in my life made me have to grow up fast, but I wouldn't change my experiences. Yes, some of them were hard and hurt me but they made me who I am. I am 18 years old and as far as I can tell I'm getting my life together, slowly, but its coming. When I was younger I felt like I didn't believe in myself as much as I do now. I have learned to love myself over time. I believe that that's the trick. You have to be happy in your own shoes, be proud of yourself. I know sometimes loving yourself can become a heavy task but believe me its worth it. You cant be truly happy unless you find the happiness built inside you. Find the things that make you proud to be you and do them. Weather its something little or something big, sometimes the little stuff  amounts to more, trust me. Just celebrate you all the time, live for the little moments and strive to be the best you that you can be, because in the end this life is all that you got. Don't let anyone get in the way of your happiness, and don't ever let anyone tell you who you are. I once let someone into my life who wasn't happy with himself so he took it out on me. I was headed down a very bad, lonely road that he was dragging me down until I said enough is enough. No one can ever make you feel inferior without your consent. Some great, wise person once said this and they were right. Don't give that consent. Stand tall, be proud of who you are, better yet be thankful for who you are and who your becoming, don't let anyone make you feel any different. Just be happy and make everyday a celebration of you and the life you live. After all, as far as we know this is our only life and chance to do something great. so take advantage of it.

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