Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Understand yourself

The best thing

 you can do for yourself is to sit with your pain. Soak it up into your pours and analyze it. Understand why you feel the way you do. Once you are in tune with your feelings you can then resolve them and make peace with them. I am at peace with myself, with my life. Finally. I understand that it is a natural thing to hurt, to be angry. It is what you do with that energy that matters. If you channel that pain and anger into positive things like a blog, yoga,or a sport sooner or later it will no longer be a pain stabbing into your chest, it will be a memory you are at peace with. I am at peace with my life and the things that have caused me pain and anger. I understand that everything happens for a reason. I now look at the memories as lessons and blessings. I am proud to be where I am, to be able to talk about my past without flinching. I am proud of my accomplishments and the person I am growing into. I am a soul at peace and it finally feels right. I woke up the other morning and a calm feeling wrapped around my heart and engulfed it. I feel as though I am walking into a new light of calmness and serenity. I understand that the universe only gives me what I can handle, what I can overcome. I am ready to better myself and make every day count. You cannot live in the past and expect yourself to grow. New memories and moments await you, chase them and make the most of what life has given you now. You are alive and you are surrounded by beauty, learn to bask in the greatness of it. You have to let go of what has hurt you, what has caused you anger. The only way to do that is to make peace. Understand that you cannot control most situations, you can only control how you handle them and how you let them effect you. You are the only one who can set you free. Live in this moment and learn to let go. Your life will become beautiful and something you feel like you have control over. It will become easy, stress free and  you will be happy. I am a firm believer in forgiveness, even if someone didn't tell you sorry. The forgiveness isn't for whoever you are forgiving,it is for yourself so that you can move on and let go. Be happy, and when your angry be angry. Do an angry chant or punch a pillow, its healthier and feels better than you think. Be in tune with every feeling that overcomes you because it is there for a reason. Listen to that reason, ask yourself why you feel that way and how you can make it better. You have to understand yourself. Except every part of you, so that you can understand the effect others have on you, and then you can understand them in general. Society tells us its bad to be angry, to cry, to be sad. They don't tell you its natural, to embrace it. They want you to tune it out, bottle it up. The truth is it is natural. I don't know one person who is always happy, you have your downsides, your bad days, your moments. Shutting these feelings out does nothing, I shut mine out for a long time. I now embrace them, let them come and overwhelm me. Sometimes its good to be overwhelmed with a feeling no matter what feeling that is. Feelings are part of who you are, embrace them and let them free. Society could never be more wrong. Remember who you are, what your trying to become and that your feelings, regardless of what feelings they are, is a part of all of that.

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You are like a diamond, you must boil and break under such heavy pressure in order to shine. This life can’t just be handed to you. You mus...