Friday, June 20, 2014

"I'm only 20"

Dear future years and current year of my 20's,

First off I want to say thank you for letting me get through my teen years, those were pretty hard. Next I want to say that I promise to not ruin the perfect womanly body you have blessed me with as long as you promise not to give me wrinkles and take away some of my zits. Second, I promise that I wont waste these years on finding a man, looking deeply in the crevices of the earth to find a mate to run off and marry. I just wont let myself. I promise you I'll be young, wild,and free for as long as my body will let me. Let me tell you years of my 20's, I am afraid for the years of my 30's to happen but we wont worry about that right now. Also I want to point out, if you haven't noticed we only get nine lovely years to spend together. Nine. That is it and then you are gone. I promise I wont waste you on silly things like worrying about what shirt I am going to wear or what to do on a Friday night. We will just wing it, go where ever the wind takes us. I also wont complain that I am "only 20" ever again. 20 is a blessed year, filled with independence and soul searching and the first year we get to spend together. There is nothing to complain about. I promise I'll make mistakes so that you know that you weren't wasted, you were lived. I will learn from the time we get to spend together by going to a strip club for my 21st birthday or maybe even going to Vegas like the rest of the world does on their 21st birthday. You'll be well spent I promise. Maybe we will spend that birthday in Disney Land. I'll leave that up to you when the time comes. I promise to be reckless, so that you can remind the years of my 30's that sometimes its okay to have a little fun. I promise to fall in actual love at least once with a complete stranger and have it only last a summer, just so you can say you experienced that. I promise to always dance in the rain because someday we wont be able to. Years of my 20's I am afraid of how short you are. I am afraid of getting old and having children in my years of 30. I promise to not wish I was older, because one day I will wish I was 20 again. I swear that I will explore the world and learn new things about different cultures instead of my own. I will go to the gym and run for as long as I can because one day I will hardly be able to walk. I will live you like your the last years I will ever be alive, because who really knows? I promise to spend your days picking flowers and running through sprinklers because I have no excuse not to. We will be best friends years of my 20's I promise. I wont waste you on planning my life, or worrying about the future. Its just me and you. I promise to take chances, to stop at stop signs and to never drink and drive. I promise to stay safe, Happy and free spirited. I promise to dance like no ones watching and to meet new friends. I promise to scream into a pillow when I am angry and to cry when I am sad. You, years of my 20's will be the best years of my life. I wont forget you, and I wont take you for granted. Lets make our 20's the best years. Years filled with memories and excitement. I am ready years of my 20's. Are you?

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