Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This is not a Diet. Its a Nutritional Plan.


lately I have been really mushy gushy and heartfelt on here. Its time to write something a little more light hearted. Recently I have decided to go on a no Gluten or processed Sugar diet. Yep that means no breads, pastas,candy, and yeah no Soda. Bummer right?! I have been doing this for about 3 weeks now. I'll be honest, I tried to do it before but I would always relapse on a bunch of bread or candy. So this time for real I have done it for 3 weeks straight only eating bad on my free days. Let me tell you how hard it is at first!! It is so so hard to resist, to not be an addict. Food is an addiction, fattening foods are even more of an addiction and taking them away from yourself is like overcoming a drug addiction. I would like to share with you my steps in overcoming a food induced trance. Here we go:

1. Always always find support somewhere. Without support you'll be eating bad again in no time (my support is a fabulous lady I work with, she asks me everyday what I have eaten and shames me if its something bad)

2. You can say NO. That's right, just because people offer you food doesn't mean you have to eat it. (This was a tough one for me because I felt like saying no could be insulting. Its not! Say no, say no thank you, either way just do NOT say yes to that donut, you'll regret it later.)

3. ITS NOT ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT. It really isn't. Its about feeling good in your body, feeling good staring back at that gorgeous figure in the mirror. (If you make it about losing weight, trust me you'll get discouraged and that will make you want to eat more of the bad foods!) Just be healthy that's the main priority.

4. Don't shun yourself for relapsing. Its not about bringing yourself down! Its about lifting yourself up. If you relapse on the food just get right back on the healthy saddle tomorrow and work even harder. Your human, your not perfect. Its trial and error baby, trial and error.

5. Don't do it because of the way strangers stare at you! They will stare at you either way. Do it for no one but yourself. Its your life, your body and you have to want it in order to accomplish it.

6. Give yourself a free day, once a week or if your hard core maybe once a month. Either way give yourself a free day! Now, that doesn't mean pig out on all the junk food you can get your hands on. It means eat ONE of those cookies, or drink half a soda. You don't want to have to start the process all over, so limit yourself but if you eat one of those cookies don't feel ashamed!

7. Your not an animal, so don't reward yourself with food! Reward yourself with something you need, new shoes or a jacket but do NOT reward yourself by eating a whole plate of nachos. A couple hours later it wont feel so rewarding.

8. Drink TONS of water. I mean TONS!! Your changing your diet, your body needs water no matter what diet your on and it needs it more now that your on one. Drink up!

9.  Don't call it a DIET! Throw that word out the window. Call it a nutritional change or a healthy life style. A diet is something you don't stick to. If you want this to work it has to be a FOREVER commitment. If you just do this for a couple months then go back to bad eating trust me, you'll be right back in the same boat as before the "diet". You have to want to stay healthy forever!

10.DO NOT GIVE UP! This is going to be hard. Its not always going to be fun and you'll have to resist temptations ever day but don't give up! You decided to make a change in your life. Remember why you are making that change and kick butt!! You got this.

11. Finally number eleven. Stay positive. Always! No matter what your doing in your life you can do it if you put your mind into it. Don't look down on yourself or tell yourself you cant. Have strength and the rest will fall into place. I believe in you and you should believe in yourself too.

Whatever nutritional change you are doing with your life I wish you luck! You have all my support because I know personally that it isn't easy. Thanks for reading!

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