Monday, March 17, 2014

My Bucket List

Last night

just so happened to be a family girls night at my house. We all had so much fun playing dare without the truth part. We also all decided to write a bucket list. Which to be honest was really hard for me, as you all know I don't spend to much time thinking about what I would like to do. I didn't want to forget this bucket list or lose it amongst all my other papers so the best thing I thought to do was to write it on here. That way I'll have it forever and maybe you guys will get some ideas to start making your own bucket list. For those of you who don't know, a bucket list is a list of things you'd like to do before you die. With that being said here's mine and I might add more later on so keep checking this post:

1.) Travel the world, get a souvenir from each place I visit.
2.)Live somewhere new and exotic
3.) Go to Disneyland
4.) Graduate College
5.) Be Spontaneous
6.) Live carefree, stop stressing!
7.) Live in the mountains for a week
8.)Save a stranger
9.) See the northern lights
10.) Conquer my fear of heights
11.) Go to Hawaii
12.) Have a hammock in my backyard
13.) Get a puppy
14.) Be in two places at once
15.) Learn Spanish
16.) Meet new people
17.) Make sure to always stay positive
18.) Plant a tree
19.)Save an animal
20.) Be more grateful for what I'm blessed with
21.) Learn how to play the Piano
22.) Ride a camel
23.) Have children
24.) Fall in love
25.) Buy a house
26.) Go skinny dipping
27.) Swim with the elephants
28.) Stay up and watch the sun rise from a rooftop
29.) Get a passport
30.) Learn how to surf
31.) Take a cooking class
32.) Have a pen pal
33.) Have an indoor swing in my living room
34.) Become a grandma
35.) See a Meteor Shower
36.) Horseback ride on the beach
37.) Go wine tasting
38.) Laugh until I cry
39.) Name a star
40.) Make a campfire without using matches
50.) Stay at an ice hotel
51.) Laugh more
52.) Have a romantic Valentines day
53.)Have a meaningful conversation with a stranger
54.) Eat a meal in the dark
55.) Take a self defense class
56.) Learn how to tango
57.) Buy some one's meal or groceries
58.) Learn fluent Sign Language
59.) Swim in the worlds largest swimming pool
60.) Paint my front door a different color from my house (Green or Aqua) A happy color
61.) Have throw pillows on my couch
62.) Dont plan so much of my future
63.) Wake up happy everyday
64.) Dance like no ones looking
67.) Stop being so afraid
68.) Drink less coffee
69.) Compliement strangers more
70.) Plant a garden
71.) Say I love you often
72.) Take a train to New York City
73.) Visit Pebble Shore Lake in Montana

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