Wednesday, March 26, 2014

If I climbed into your skin

I just

want to crawl into your skin. Pull it over my feet and zip it up at the nape of my neck, so that I can feel what you feel. I want to know what you think, what you dream about, and if I ever give you secret chills just by touching your arm. If only I could swim in your thoughts and drown in your pleasures. I want to open you wide up and discover if you really love books as much as I do, or if you think the sunset looks like fire. I want to know the thoughts you don't tell me, and the feelings that you hide. I want to hear that repeating song that plays in the back of your head to keep you happy. If only I could be a noodle that you swallow whole, then work my way into energy and soak into your cells. I want to have your beautiful laugh and get to listen to it all the time. I want all the mysteries that are inside you to open up to me so that I hear them.  It scares me to be sitting on the outside, unknowing. It scares me that all I hear are the words that spill out of your mouth and soak into my head. I cant see them or feel them they are just temporary versions of things I'm not quite sure of yet. I want proof, to know that what you say is real. I want to be the one saying them so I know how it feels, feels to be honest and let your words become my words. I want to not be afraid because I know you inside out, I want to be in your head so I can see whats really there. If only we could trade bodies so that I could feel your intentions and breathe the breath you breathe. I want to feel your dreams becoming mine, and learn how you whistle like a happy song bird. I want your brain to tell me if you really like coffee, or if you'd prefer to drink water. I want to jump inside your body and examine your soul, so that I can see if your hurting or if your really as strong as you tell people. If only there was an entrance that was easy to discover, a door that sits in plain site waiting to be opened. I crave to know how you feel when your sitting all alone. How you picture your future and if I'm any where in it. I want to know things that I will never know. If only I could crawl into your skin, but then, then you would have to crawl into mine and make a home there. You'd have to discover my irrational fears and my thoughts, you'd climb into my skin and stir up my soul and realize that it was always open and stirred up by you in the first place. If I climbed into your skin would it have been open and honest all along?

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