Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Why Aren't You Texting Me Back?!

If I happen

to text you back I must really like you. I found this new thing in being single, its called freedom. I have grown to hate texting and to realize that in some point and time with humans on earth, texting didn't even exist and those relationships survived. I get sick of typing when I could be talking to you in person, I get sick of sending a text that gets taken the wrong way or ends up getting read by someones friend. Texting is so impersonal, when someone says ooh they texted me back they must like me! NO, it takes two seconds for someone to press some keys on a phone and sound like they mean what they say. Show me your face, stop hiding behind a screen, lets meet in person so that I can tell from your facial expressions if you meant what you said during our late night texting sessions... yes its convenient, but so is the fact that you have a car and some legs and that I just happen to have a doorbell for you to ring when you get here. Since I am single I have found a plethora of dating websites, where we message back and forth and always, at least once I get asked by a complete stranger "lets cuddle" no! I am not going to cuddle you, man I have never even seen in person! Do you know what "lets cuddle" is? Its a conversation filler for "I don't know what to say so I'll say something that makes it seem like I like you" yet this guy doesn't even know my favorite color yet or the fact that I don't like tomatoes, he just knows that I have boobs, look a lot like the other girl he just asked to cuddle with, and that I have brown hair. I am not just picking on men, women do it too, with their flirty heart faces and their winky faces or their "sure come cuddle!" message sent to a guy they have never even seen and most likely wont. Then once you get in a relationship its all about "WHY DIDN'T YOU TEXT ME BACK?!! WHAT WERE YOU DOING?! where are you at? who are you with? when will you be home?! oh.. your at work? shame on me.... we have all done it... in fact I have when I used to be that controlling texter...Back in the day I am pretty sure that would be called harassing... are we all that insecure? That we have to have someone texting us 24/7 all day every day? Do you need someone that far up your butt in order to function or to say they like you? When I don't respond to someones text it goes like this:
Them: well your not texting me back. Hope everything is going okay. Hope you had a good day and your not mad at me. :) talk to you later, or whenever!
Me: I am sorry I was busy.... everything's fine. Have a good day. :)
Them: Busy doing what? Ooh.. just fine?
Me: Something besides texting..... yep.
Them: Oh. I see how it is! Talk to you later then...

People get so defensive on if I don't want to text! Its nothing against you, its that maybe I am with family or with actual people who I want to give my attention to instead of staring at a bright screen and asking them huh? a million times because I am to busy "texting". I am ready to put my phone down and I wish that was okay with the rest of the world in fact I wish the rest of the world would join me...

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