Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Perceptions Need Saving too.

The world

was so much simpler when you believe that everything in the world is genuinely good. When you didn't realize that pollution was ruining the earth, when you didn't realize that one day that boy you played tag with at recess will eventually break your heart. When things are genuinely, truly, unmistakably good. You don't realize that things aren't so good until your left crying on the bathroom floor for nights in a row. Until you go to every pitch fork, sign holding event to fight for the planet you live on. The pain that people feel is unexplained until you feel it yourself. You don't understand why your mommy cries late at night until you grow up and your the one watching your tears fall as you say to yourself "ahhh here it is, the moment I told myself I would never have, the one I would never understand." You grow up and fairy tales disappear, the things you were unaware of and could never dream of happening are happening. The world becomes not so much of your imagination anymore and you are left to wonder what happened, had the world always been like this? You stop believing in the good, you stop believing that some man somewhere out there is destined to not break your heart, to save you. Any second you walk out your door your destined to break, break in ways you never would have imagined when you were five. People teach you these terrible things, how to fill your heart with bitterness, how to blame your broken heart on a person instead of  wrong timing, or a wrong connection. You are taught that people are cruel, that they ruin the world and they ruin your heart, your self-esteem, your hope, your ego. The forget to tell you about the little moments, the moments where for a split second everything is okay. The times when the pollution creates the most beautiful sunset, and for a moment you forget that the red color in the sky is caused by pollution from our cars. You forget about that homeless mans smile as you handed him some food on your way out the grocery store. You forget the time that person who broke your heart actually saved you, actually helped you discover little pieces of yourself you didn't even know existed. People forget to mention the times you wake up and right outside your window is a full moon, reminding you of your purpose and what your life is worth. You forget. We all forget what life is actually worth. How much fairy tales there actually are in the little moments, how there are different ways we could look at the scenarios that we cant fix. Maybe the world is genuinely good, maybe you don't have to be angry about your broken heart. Maybe there's a little piece of you that remembers to smile, that remembers that life happens and everything is going to be okay. Some things are genuinely good, like sleeping in on a  Saturday, or waking up early on the exact same Saturday to run your heart out, with nothing but the sound of birds and the pounding of your own two feet. There is magic in the way that stranger stares at you in the grocery store and there is magic in that kitten you found on the side of the road because someone left him there in a box, without even a blanket. There is good in the moments you choose to make good, its all about perception and the way your willing to see things. Is it an abandoned kitten, or is it now a kitten who has been saved? Perception Perception Perception. Maybe you saw things as genuinely good when you were little because that's what they were, because you believed no differently, no one taught you otherwise. Possibly the same thing can happen now. maybe the world could be genuinely good because you refuse to see it differently? Change your perspective and you change your life...

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