Friday, January 17, 2014

Gifts aren't always from the living.

Theres a Robin

that sits outside my window at work. There is two trees in front of this giant window that basically takes up the length of a wall.(for those of you who don't know I'm a receptionist.) This robin is a healthy looking one, with a gorgeous red belly and he looks well fed. He arrives in the same tree, same branch every morning I come into work. There is not a day where I dont expect to see it there. He will come and go all throughout the day, everyday. This beautiful bird is always alone, just staring off pertched in his tree. I always get excited to see him there, he gives me a sense of comfort, a feeling of overwhelming happiness. Its funny how little things like that can brighten your mood, you dont know this bird, he is not a pet, you haven't named him, nor will you ever name him. You just enjoy his presence, the feeling that he is stopping by just to say hello to you. The weird part is, that this tree has nothing to offer this Robin. Its a small tree, barely growing, probably even planted not to long ago. This tree has no leaves, for the winter has stolen them from it, there is no shelter, nor food that this tree could offer this plump bird. He just sits, chirps, and ruffels his feathers while sitting on the same branch. I could watch him for hours, wondering what its like to be a bird, to sit in a tree if you please, or fly around with a flicker of a wing. I have been trying to figure out for days now why this little bird comes to this tree every day. I came to a conclusion that weather its for me or not, I will say that it is. I think my grandma sent him to me, to keep me calm, to remind me that you have to enjoy the little things, to take everything in. That I need to remember what truly makes me happy and that my money, job, or relationship problems are trully insignificant if you look around and realize what really matters. I might be looking to far into this and overthinking it but I looked up what a robin symbolizes, what I saw amazed me. The Robin symbolizes rejuvenation, happiness, clarity, and satisfaction.  I am going through a time in my life where I am growing from a young girl into a woman, I am realizing what I want with my life, the kind of person I want to become. The fact that the Robin symbolzes all the things I am going through and trying to learn makes me believe that I am right, that my grandma sent him here to remind me to stay true to who I am and who I want to become. I think whatever higher being it is that is up there took my grandma because he needed her, but he also realized how much we need her down here too. I know I bring this subject up a lot in my blog, how much I miss her, how inspirational she was and still is to me, but I feel like even though she isn't pyshically here she is here in her spirit, she helps me everyday. I can feel her, in the wind or in little signs like the Robin that stop through my life. I wanted to tell you about this because I feel like its not just my grandma who can reach out to people. If you have lost someone you care about, someone you love, I am trully sorry but I want you to realize how great of a gift it is for you to have someone to watch over you, to bless you with small "signs" and gifts without you even realizing sometimes that it was them all along. I think my grandma enjoys this, enjoys coming into her famlies lives weather it be through dreams,smells,situations, or thoughts she surrounds us with happiness still. I can no longer feel sad that my grandma isnt with me,because she is everyday. I cant pyshically touch her, or hear her laughter which trully breaks my heart, but I can see her spirit growing through the actions of my step mom, through my cousins, and the rest of my family. She is here in our hearts and thats one thing you have to remember is please dont become so overwhelmed with Greif that it turns you cold, don't let death make you a sad person, realize that they are only gone for now, and that they arent really gone. You live on through them, by passing on what they taught you, by being a good example. Your loved ones wouldnt want you to cry for them, they wouldnt want you to let yourself become so sad that you no longer go on living this life you were blessed with. They are watching over you, and want to see you happy. Enjoy the "Robins" they send you and stay happy because I'm sure they go through a lot of effort to make gifts like the one I recieve every moring possible. Show them you care and that your living by passing on what they taught you, by talking about the memories, by living your life because thats all they would want  you to do.

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