Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to guide to life

I dont

have this so called how to guide to life. I dont think anyone does. I have been through a lot so I could tell you a lot of ways of how I have delt with things obviously, but I wouldn't guarantee my ways are fool proof. I have made plenty of mistakes and have done a ton of things that people dont agree with, but the one thing I am always proud to say is I have done things that I want to do. Things that have made me happy. That is what is most important with anything you do, always make sure it is what makes you happy. I wish I had this guide to life that was like one of those navigation devices you put in your car. That way it would warn me when I was taking a wrong turn and should turn around. Then again where would be the fun with that? When would you learn? When would you get to experience sadness and heartbreak? I have been told that there wouldnt be any happiness without knowing what sadness feels like. I believe that this is a very true saying because if you were always feeling the same you wouldnt know different until you felt different right? If you had a how to guide to life I guarantee that you would be the most mundane person alive, nothing would excite you or make you feel anything because you would always know whats coming. I like the fact that I can say I am happy just winging it. I have learned that you don't always have to have a plan and things dont always have to go your way for them to turn out beautiful. I am in a hard spot in my life lately, with my job and my love life but I know that I will be okay and whatever happens will happen. You just have to take things as they are and stop trying so hard to fix them to your liking. I used to have my whole life planned out and then I realized that life is to big of a thing to plan. Random things happen and theres nothing you can do about it, but realize that its obvioulsy where your meant to be at the moment. I fell in love with a guy who of course isnt perfect but he stole my heart. Our relationship hasnt always been the best and we have had a hard time lately so its the kind of time where I wish I knew what was coming and I wish I could say that it will go back to being fine again. I wish I could say we would forgive each other like nothing ever happened but who knows if that will happen. All I know is that he has been one of my best friends since I met him, and I'm not one to give up on best friends. I have been getting a lot of crap from people for accepting him in my life again. Some people haven't been very nice or accepting of this fact, but I'm the only one who gets to live my life, and I will be the one to deal with the consequences of what happens because of this, good or bad. People make mistakes and lifes to short to hold a grudge, so I'm not going to hold one. I just want people to realize that you have to do what makes you happy regardless of what others say. You also have to realize that if you always have a plan you will most likely always be dissapointed because life works in misterious ways and it wont always turn out the way you think it should. What happens in my life to an extent are things I can control, and others are things I cant. I can't control how I feel about someone but I can control how I choose to let them back into my life. Me and Trevor are doing this slowly, with fights and late night conversations about nothing and everything at the same time. I dont expect people to understand why I'd let him back in or how I could be so stupid to do so. I just expect them to realize that it makes me happy and it makes me sad but if people gave up on me everytime I made mistakes then I would be one lonely human being. Trevor isnt perfect and I never asked him to be so why would I punish him for it? We all hurt each other sometime or another and its not about that, its about what you choose to do after you hurt that person that matters, how you choose to fix it. I no longer need to explain myself. I think the only people who will understand is Trevor and I and quite frankly its our buisness anyways. My life is far from perfect and far from being anyones example of a how to guide, but thats what makes it beautiful. Everyone's life is beautiful because it is our own, we are all just searching for what makes us happy. Just remember to do what makes you happy and don't take everything so seriously, you dont get out alive anyways. When in doubt, just wing it.

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You are like a diamond, you must boil and break under such heavy pressure in order to shine. This life can’t just be handed to you. You mus...